Welcome to my house, Torre Fuerte!
This is the living room. It's a bit too reminiscent of a daycare right now. We chose a green paint today which hopefully we still like when it's on the walls.

Here's our dining room with 2 of my house mates, Sara and Steven.

The kitchen! Abby (a friend) came over today and scrubbed the whole kitchen and put contact paper on all the shelves.

This is our garage area.

And here's our laundry room.

Now, on to the second floor. I love this staircase.
Here's the view from the top of the staircase.
This is the master bedroom and the bathroom.

Still the master bedroom, different angle.

This is Doris' room

And, here's our guest room. It's a bit scary at the moment.

See what was growing on the ceiling?
No worries, I took care of it. Fortunately, that part of the house is constructed from cement block, so there's no structural damage. We cleaned the gutters and will fix the leak. With a bit of new plaster and a new coat of paint it will be good as new.
The bathroom

And, here's my bedroom! Isn't the ceiling fun? And it has a lot of light from the windows.

That's so exciting! I love the potential in your bedroom. And really, a lot of the rooms. Just get ride of the ghosts of daycares past first. You should have kept the fungi, though...good decor.
Annie, I'm happy for you. The rooms all look so nice (or will be) Can't say I agree with Rebecca about the fungi! Dad and I both thought it might be edible ;-)
Annie - I'm happy for you that you'll finally get to move into that great house you showed us photos of before. The mushrooms were kind of disgusting though, I also was wondering if they were edible. It was bizarre because something happened with my "unsecured" internet connection here, and your photo labeled "the bathroom" came up as a map of a portion of Thailand, all written in Thai. I had to reload the page to get the bathroom picture! Remember to post some more after everything is done. Have fun decorating!
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