Monday, January 17, 2011

Moving take 2

Remember this post? The one where I was so excited to be moving and finally having a place of my own?

Well, it turned out a few days or weeks later that it didn't work out. And I spent the rest of the year living with a Dutch family, who are moving to Peru later this month. And when I went home for Christmas, I had no idea where I would be living long term when I got back.

I do now. And my heart is singing again. Because I'm moving into Torre Fuerte, the same place I was going to be living before. And this time, there's a couple committed to living there, which takes care of the problem I had before of no longer having house-mates.

Better yet, they have the same dream as me. They want to make the house into a home, a place of beauty, a place of refuge. They don't want to just live in the same house together, they want to pursue community, praying together, sharing meals together. They want to get know our neighbors, reach out into the community, little by little see how God can use us to be salt and light where we are.

I'm very excited.

Stay tuned for some before and after photos as we clean and paint and decorate in the next few weeks.

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