Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sol solecito

sol, solecito, calientame un poquito
por hoy, por mañana, por toda la semana
(the beginning of a popular children's rhyme- sun, sunshine, warm me up a little bit, today, tomorrow and all week long)

Today was sunny! After work I went for a walk. I was pretty sure I had seen a "This is your park- live it!" sign somewhere on the 127, so I went in search of Parque el Country.

It was a delightful surprise in the middle of the city- wide open green space surrounded by hedges that cut out almost all the traffic sounds, a deserted old stable yard, and an amazing blue sky full of backlit clouds.

The day felt like a gift from God. On my walk to take the bus this morning, cutting through a different park, several little birds swooped low, chattering in a birdsong I'd never heard before. I stopped to watch them, delighted, realizing I didn't need to rush quite as much as I was to make it on time. A woman, coming from the opposite direction smiled at me, "they're greeting you", she said. Waiting for the bus, Peter said "if it's sunny like this in the morning, it will stay sunny all day, I promise". I prayed with my students during devotions that it would stay sunny, and then reveled in the sunshine during recess, on my walk to the bank to pay my insurance, and as I walked barefoot through the park, the thick grass squishy beneath my toes. A long anticipated ice cream cone from an ice cream parlor that I've been wanting to try for months ended my afternoon in the sun.


Beth and Abby said...

Hi Annie, I'm glad you finally got sunny weather. I'm not too sure about tuna on bananas ?!? I liked your video. The kids seemed so happy and silly.

Annie said...

Thanks Aunt Beth! Plantains aren't bananas. Don't buy regular bananas if you try this recipe. ;) A green plantain is not sweet at all, and when fried is more like a potato chip than a banana.