Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I've arrived

I used to not watch movies in Spanish at night. If it was after 10 pm, forget a conversation in Spanish.

On Saturday night at 10:30, I sat down to watch a movie with Doris. It was dubbed in Spanish and there were no subtitle options. After the first few minutes, I forgot to wish for subtitles most of the time.

On Sunday night I was at a church over-night with the youth. At 1 am, I was playing taboo in Spanish, successfully.

I think I can officially say I'm bilingual. :)

(which I've determined is different than completely fluent. Believe me, if you'd understood my attempt at a conversation about clapping on the off beat in Spanish the other day, you would see that I am NOT always fluent. But, I think bilingual is being able to cope successfully in either language. And I can.)


Warbler said...

You have arrived when you dream a dream with conversation in it.
When you wake up, you realize the conversation was in ______ (language).

At least... that was always the TCK rule.

Annie said...

well, I've done that in both Mandarin and in Spanish, and I know I haven't arrived in Mandarin.