Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Colombia in my kitchen

One beautiful warm and sunny day, my friend Doris and I were out running errands.  We stopped for a snack and ordered buñuelos (fried dough balls made of cornstarch and cheese.  They're way better than they sound, take my word for it).  Doris ordered "avena" to go with hers.  Seeing as avena is a direct translation for oatmeal, I shied away from that and ordered a soda.  But then, Doris' avena came.  I tasted it.  It was cold, creamy, sweet, almost milkshake like.  I changed my order- who would drink soda when they could have avena?

You can find it made in giant vats on the street in Bogotá, served from peddled carts, or sold at the grocery store prepackaged in yogurt-like containers or single serving bags. Avena isn't always served cold,  it's also a common enough breakfast drink served hot.

Now, unfortunately, my avena doesn't turn out quite as delicious as the avena I tried with Doris.  But it is a tasty treat.  So, if you're looking for something different here's my "recipe"

Start with some pre-cooked oatmeal

In a blender mix about 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 2 cups milk, 2 TB sugar and 1/4 tsp vanilla (I'm really guessing on the measurements. . . I just eye balled it and tasted to see if it seemed right).  Add some ice and blend until smooth and creamy.  Stick it in a fun cup and enjoy!  You can also add cinnamon instead of or in addition to vanilla.  Skip the ice, and just stick it back on the stove to heat through after blending if you want to try it hot.

Let me know if you try and make it!

1 comment:

April said...

Thanks, Annie, for the recipe! I just tried it (the warm version) and it is delicious. It reminds me of something I had in Costa Rica. I will have to try the cold version next.... April Forster