Tuesday, November 17, 2009

10 reasons I'll miss Costa Rica

We call ourselves “La Familia Rara”, the strange family. After living together 24/7 for the last 2 months, we truly feel like family. We have our own traditions- a song we sing for grace while holding hands, a special DTS handshake, and the way we end prayer times with a group huddle and “uno,dos,tres, JESUS!”. We have our own inside jokes (just say “fuego” and see what happens, or ask one of us to finish the phrase “donde yo voy. . .) We tease each other and sometimes we drive each other crazy, but mostly, we love one another.
Alex- We’re alike in so many ways. We even find ourselves saying the same thing, at the same time, with the same inflection. It drives Alex crazy, but I think it’s funny. She always encourages me, notices when I’m not feeling great, and asks me how I’m really doing and makes me answer. She also gives me great hugs. Her desire to draw close to God, and the ways I’ve seen her work on overcoming her own fears during this DTS are awesome.

Anna- has an infectious laugh and the largest repertoire of cartoon voices and fake accents of anyone I know. As the third youngest person in our group who is also one of our group leaders, she constantly impresses me with her maturity and ability to lead. Her passion for God and to draw others into a passionate relationship with him is a blessing.
JT- is such a servant leader. His humility and habit of being the first to volunteer for anything we need inspire us all. JT’s ever-optimistic predictions of what the next day holds (5 star hotels, catered food, swimming pools) always keep us laughing. JT is so hungry and willing to grow spiritually and has grown so much during this DTS. He and his wife are also expecting their first baby, a son, in April!

Katie- is generous and loves to share. She’s a Bible scholar- her love of learning and digging deeper into scripture and the things of God make me want to read more non-fiction. Katie is honest about her own struggles in ways that encourage me to be more open. You can also always count on Katie to make you laugh.

Lito- is a really good listener. As our only male leader, and the fact that he’s known for being serious and reflective has earned him the position of the honorary “father” of our family. He also has a goofy side though and I love the way he’s able to not take himself too seriously.

Luis- We all expect him to be an evangelist or a Pastor. Luis impresses us with his natural preaching ability, and the way he can approach perfect strangers and easily start a conversation about God. His smile never fails to make me smile in return and his craziness makes us all laugh.

Manny- is my biggest help and encourager with Spanish. He’s not afraid to correct my mistakes, but he also notices when I’ve learned something new. I love talking to Manny- he’s really animated when he tells about something that happened to him, and he’s always willing to listen to my stories. He’s really striving to hear and obey God’s voice.

Reanna- is everyone’s little sister. I love her exuberance. Her Panamanian phrases and excitement over little things make us smile. The freedom she has when she worships God and her love of prayer and willingness to pray in public encourage me to be more like her.

Rebeca- reminds me of a princess with her femininity and grace. She’s always friendly to everyone and has an ability to make people feel loved. Her desire to serve God is evident in her life, and as the youngest member of our group it’s really encouraging to see someone so young who is so dedicated to following God. I can’t wait to see how He uses her.

Rossela- is the wisest one in our group. She is good at giving hugs, encouragement, comfort, and advice. She loves to rejoice with us. Just being around Rossela makes me happy. We love to teach her new random English expressions like “gee golly” and “let’s blow this popsicle stand” so we can hear her say them in her amazing accent.


Breka said...

You go and post a lovely post about all the amazing people you have gotten to know...and for some reason that makes me miss you? Whatever. I am going to go write you an email with all the things I will not post on a public blog space.

Leslie said...

Hi Annie! Thanks for the comment on my blog - that was so encouraging. I loooove this blog post so much. Amazing, simply amazing. I love how God has knit you together as a family and I know through your unity and love for each other He was able to do so much to touch many lives. Bless you guys as you finish your last week!!!!!

Alex said...

Dear heavenly father, thank you for Annie Bananie and her cute little fannie... wow, wow, so speechless our hearts are so full of love. Annie is the best Agarachita en todo del mundo.

De su familia rara!

P.S. I love you.