Sunday, June 13, 2010


Bus- 1,350 pesos
Shish-kebab- 1,000 pesos
Aromatica (herbal tea made with fresh herbs)- 800 pesos

A night at Septimazo- Priceless

Every Friday in Bogota, they shut down several blocks of Septima, one of the main roads. There are street vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry, to art made out of melted plastic cups, to collapsible laundry hampers. There's also food for sale. Arepas with cheese, corn on the cob, hamburgers, fresh sliced pineapple and mango, grilled meat, potatoes. . . There are street artists too. Groups that dance salsa, others that dance hip-hop. There are people who wear elaborate costumes and paint themselves and pose like statues until someone puts a coin in their collection box, and then they come to life. There are comedy acts and jugglers.

I went this weekend with some of the girls from the school and Doris. We had a great time bargaining with the vendors, people watching, and laughing at Doris as she took over the aromatica stand when the vendor went to get change and almost sold a man a cup of tea for half price.

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