Sunday, August 30, 2009

The New Property!

We’re moving! The word on the street is that we will be moving on or before September 20. YWAM San Jose is buying and remodeling an old coffee processing plant. The building is really quirky and fun, and the property is large with a banana grove out back, a river out front, and a bamboo wall along one side. There’s also what looks like a pool that used to be used to store coffee beans before they were processed.

On Wednesday night almost everyone from the base went over to pray for the new property. We prayed, sang, and then took out our crayons and markers and got to work on the walls. We covered the drywall that the guys had just put up with scripture promises. It was so encouraging to walk around and see God’s word written everywhere. Once the walls were more or less covered, we stuck around to help a bit. My contribution was helping to hang drywall. I put in a grand total of 6 screws. Don’t laugh yet. They’re using metal support beams, so I had to drive the screws through the drywall and the metal beams and it was hard work. I was quite proud of my accomplishment.

On Friday night we all helped move heavy machinery from the current base to the new property, and then stayed to play sardines. We had so much fun, but let me tell you, walking through a dark banana grove in the dark is scary. But, now that I’ve done that, I think that I won’t find the property nearly as intimidating. Of course the dark crawl spaces and the pits underneath the floor with grates over them are still a bit scary, but hey, they certainly make the building interesting.

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