Sunday, October 26, 2008

But Martha was distracted with much serving

I was reading Luke 10 today, and this verse jumped out at me, "But Martha was distracted with much serving" (Luke 10:40, ESV). I didn't remember ever reading that before. Of course, I remembered the story. I've always struggled with the story of Mary and Martha. I identify way too much with Martha. But distracted? I didn't remember Martha being distracted. I looked it up in KJV (my usual choice of translation) and the word they use there is "cumbered". Distracted puts the story into a different perspective though. The events of the story stay the same, but the emphasis here isn't so much on the serving as it is on Martha's reaction to it. When Martha is "cumbered" with serving, it seems almost unfair that not only did Mary get to enjoy herself listening to Jesus while Martha worked, but Jesus even rebuked Martha when she complained. However, when I read that Martha is distracted by serving, I realize that serving was just that- a distraction. It was something that wasn't necessarily bad, but it got in the way of what was of the highest importance at that moment- listening to Jesus. Of course, that was Jesus' message all along. And I knew that. But I was still stuck thinking "But someone had to do all the work"

I think I still somehow missed the point. Martha allowed the work to be a distraction. She let the pressures of being a hostess overwhelm the pleasure of being with Jesus. Perhaps, if she had taken some time to sit at Jesus feet, they might have had to eat a simpler meal, and maybe the guests would have had to help out a bit, but serving itself would not be the focus. Jesus would be the focus.

I wish there was an epilogue to the story. I wish Jesus came back for dinner and Mary and Martha both sat at Jesus' feet to listen to his teaching, and then everyone had a buffet dinner or order out pizza or something. :)

And now I'm left wondering- what's distracting me from what's really most important?

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