As December inched nearer I had one overwhelming question- where could I buy a Christmas tree in France?
Out to do grocery shopping on one of the first days in December, I discovered an unexpected answer to my question: At the grocery store! There they were, from baby trees to full ceiling height beauties, in a little shack built specially for them, nestled in amongst the carrots and onions.
I wanted to get one right then and there, but Cristian convinced me that walking home with all our groceries and a tree would be a little more than we could manage, so I reluctantly agreed to wait.
Finally the day rolled around to choose a tree. It's not quite as exciting when they're already packaged in net bags and there's no comparing to be done, but it does make it a whole lot faster. We carried it home across town, Cristian balancing the tree over his shoulder, and me hefting the half log with a hole drilled in it, its complimentary tree stand, on my hip.
Despite my concern at the lack of water with a log instead of the tree stands I grew up with, our tree has held up just fine all season long.